Christopher Rudd
Christopher Rudd is a 2019 Guggenheim Choreography Fellow and New Victory Theater LabWorks Artist at the New Victory Theater in NYC. Formerly a dancer for Les Grands Ballet Canadiens de Montréal and Cirque Du Soleil, he has choreographed for Alvin Ailey School Summer Intensive, Earl Mosley’s Institute of the Arts, Duke University, University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Dance Now! Miami, Harlem Stage’s E-Moves, and Ballet Divertimento to name a few. Most recently, he has been commissioned to create a work which will premiere at the David Koch Theater at Lincoln Center for 2020. As the Artistic Director of RudduR Dance, his works have been presented in the United States, Austria, Canada, France, Trinidad & Tobago, Burkina Faso, and Ecuador. He has been awarded grants from the U.S. Department of State’s Arts Envoy, World Learning, U.S. Embassy Burkina Faso, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, New Music USA, American Dance Abroad, Harlem Stage, and the NWSA Alumni Foundation.
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