Beky Humphreys

I trained at Bodywork Dance Studios and went on to work professionally as both a dancer and model in London for three years. I have worked in hair shows, music videos and live shows for Paul Mitchell, L’Oreal, Sony, Felix Jaehn and many more. I moved back to Bristol in November 2018 to begin teaching. I wanted to bring the London Commercial dance scene to Bristol and create a version of base/ pineapple studios for dancers there. I started weekly open commercial and heels classes and helped several other dancers find their feet with teaching and establish their classes at our fast growing studio ‘Motion’. Since being back in Bristol I have done a large amount of choreography work for artists including Kate Lomas and Crooked Colours. I now teach at UCW in Weston on their professional commercial dance course as well as still working closely within the industry as a choreographer, dancer and model myself.


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Bow Down (Short Form)
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Good Kisser (Short Form)
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